Spalding County, GA Fence Building Codes & Permits

Spalding County GA

Spalding County does not always require a building permit when erecting a fence. A permit is always required if the site is located within “Conservation, Historic, Landmark, SPI districts or other districts requiring a Special Administrative Permit.


Fences and walls which conform to the provisions stated herein shall be permitted by the Department of Environment and Community Development. Fences erected for agricultural purposes in the AG-1 District shall be exempt from permit requirements.


Easements: No structure with the exception of fences may be located in, or otherwise obstruct any easement. Fences shall be permitted within easements subject to the receipt of written permission from the easement holder. Approval of the Zoning Administrator and applicable County Department shall be required for all fences proposed for placement in easements which are held by Spalding County.


Spalding County Fence and Wall Standards

Walls or fences shall be permitted in any zoning district and are not subject to setback requirements of this resolution, except that in a residential zoning district:

(1) No fence shall exceed six (6) feet in height above the adjoining ground level. No fence located in a front yard (as defined in section 202.VVV) shall exceed four (4) feet in height above the ground level on property.
(2) No fence shall encroach into the public right-of-way.
(3) Private tennis court and/or basketball facilities; if lighted, lights must be designed so that they do not intrude upon adjacent lots. Such a court may be surrounded by a fence up to ten (10) feet high.
(4) Whenever screening is required by this ordinance, a durable masonry wall, or fence and hedge of sufficient opacity to provide a visual blind designed to be compatible with the character of adjoining properties, shall be provided. Such fences and/or walls shall be at least six (6) feet in height, but no greater than eight (8) feet in height, measured from the ground along the common lot lines of the adjoining properties.
(5) Barbed wire or other sharp, pointed fence material shall be allowed on property zoned C-1B, C-1C, C-2 and C-3.
(6) Barbed wire or other sharp, pointed fence material shall be allowed on property zoned AR-1 and AR-2 for purpose of livestock constraint.
(7) Screening. Single-family and two-family residential lots abutting in the rear, which do not have natural screening in place along the rear property line, shall plant trees/vegetation or install an opaque fence in order to provide an adequate visual screen. Should the layout of the terrain be such that enforcement of this requirement would not provide adequate screening, an administrative variance from this requirement may be granted by the administrative officer. Approval of the variance may be granted subject to a written request.


Fences & Walls Cont.

The Zoning Resolution  and the Property Maintenance Ordinance  contain requirements about the location, height, material, and maintenance of fences and walls on residential lots. In addition, the Development Regulations  contain restrictions about the construction of fences and walls in a drainage easement.


Fences proposed to be located in the rear yard must not exceed the maximum allowable height of 8 feet. Fences proposed to be located in the front yard must not exceed a maximum height of 4 feet. Materials used for fences in the front yard must be ornamental in design and constructed with materials such as brick, masonry, picket or split rail. Chain link or other woven wire fences are prohibited in a front yard. Corner lots have two (2) front yards and the same regulations and restrictions on fences in the front yard apply to the yard areas adjacent to both streets. Fences and walls are not allowed to be located in the street right-of-way. Although only a professional survey can determine the actual right-of-way boundary line, in most cases it is the area approximately 11 feet from the back of the curb toward the lot.


For further information about fences and walls in drainage easements, please contact the Community Development Department of the Department of Planning & Development at 770-467-4220 between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays. Drainage easements are indicated on Final Plats of subdivisions that are kept on file in the Real Estate Records Office of the Clerk of Superior Court.


Fences may be placed adjacent to or on side or rear property lines. However, it is recommended that adequate room be provided between the fence and the property line for maintenance purposes without having to access someone else’s property without their permission. Barbed wire and electric fences are prohibited on residential lots less than 3 acres in size. All damaged or missing portions of a fence need to be replaced with comparable materials and shall be attached to the existing portion of the fence. Fences cannot be externally braced by a means of support other than the intended posts or other structural members. Building permits are required for fences greater than 8 feet in height (and provided a height variance is granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals at a public hearing) and for walls that are greater than 4 feet in height.

Violations of fence and wall regulations may be reported by calling the Spalding County Code Enforcement at 770.467.4209


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where can I install a fence on my residential property? How tall can I build the fence? Is a permit required?

A. Each lot has a front, side and rear setback from the property line. Review the final plat of the subdivision to find the locations of these setbacks on the property. Although fences in the rear and side yards may be built up to the property line, it is highly recommended to offset the fence internally from the property line to allow room for maintenance to avoid crossing over to the adjacent property. Fences are allowed to be up to eight (8) feet in height in the side and rear setbacks. Each corner lot has two front yard setbacks, one from each right of way. Fences in the front yard setback are not allowed to exceed four (4) feet in height. A building permit is not required to install a fence 8 feet or less in height except a building permit is required for masonry and concrete walls which exceed 4 feet in height and function as a fence, screen, or barrier.

Q. Am I allowed to install a fence within a drainage easement on my property?

A. Possibly, although obstructions of any type including permanent structures are generally not permitted within drainage easements. Installation of fencing within a drainage easement requires approval by the Stormwater Plan Review Section.

Q. Is the homeowner required to be present at his/her residence during a scheduled inspection by a building inspector?

A. Either the homeowner or an adult representative must be present before an inspector can enter an occupied residence or fenced property. For inspection of an outside structure such as a deck, pool, or storage shed, the homeowner may place a note on the permit card granting the inspector permission to enter the property if he/she cannot be present during the inspection.

Fence Workshop™ supplies the following fence styles in Spalding County, GA.

  • Wood Privacy, Picket , Split Rail & Board
  • Vinyl Privacy, Picket, Post & Rail
  • Ornamental Metal, Steel, Aluminum & Wrought Iron
  • Chain Link, Galvanized, Black Vinyl Coated, Temporary Panels
  • Driveway Gates, Gate Openers, Access Control Systems, Entry Gates, Entry Systems
  • Residential Fences, Commercial Fences, Security Fences, Dog Fences, Horse Fences
  • Fence Installation, Fence Repair, Fence Rental, Contractors, Companies, Installers, Builders

(Fence Workshop™ is not responsible for the accuracy of this information. Visit and for the most up-to-date information on Spalding County fence building codes and permit requirements.)

We Service the Following Cities in Spalding County, GA:

  • East Griffin, Ga
  • Experiment, Ga
  • Sunny Side, Ga

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