Chain Link Privacy Slats

Privacy Slats for Your Chain Link Fence:

Fence Workshop™ chain link privacy fence slats increase privacy and security. We supply a wide range of privacy slat inserts for chain link fences.

Chain Link Slats & Inserts:

Our Southeastern fencing company supplies chain link fencing slat materials nationwide and provides installation services for our customers here in the Southeast. These decorative fence slats provide privacy, beautify chain link fencing, act as a barrier and are also used as a wind screen. Whether you are looking for vertical inserts, top or bottom locking inserts, wing slats, hedge link slats, colored chain link slats or even aluminum inserts, we are just a phone call, (404) 973-2911 or e-mail, [email protected] away.

Chain link fencing privacy slats supply, installation and delivery in Georgia, Florida and North Carolina. Chain link fencing privacy slats supply, installation and delivery in Georgia, Florida and North Carolina. Chain link fencing privacy slats supply, installation and delivery in Georgia, Florida and North Carolina.

Colored Chain Link Fence Inserts:

Chain link privacy slat color options in Georgia, Florida and North Carolina.This is an approximation of colors currently available

Installation of Privacy Fence Slats:

Installing chain link fence inserts consists of sliding the slats down through the chain link mesh and locking them with a top or bottom channel if you purchase top or bottom locking slats. It’s often much more difficult to install the inserts into an older and more run down chain link fence, as the mesh is often bent and must be straightened in various places so that the slats can slide down and in place.

Get Started – Shop Our Fences Now!

We know you’re getting excited about your new fencing project, and we would love to help. You’re just a call or click away from getting started! Our passion is the art of beautiful fences, and we can’t wait to share that passion with you to create the dazzling fencing you’ve been dreaming of. Get started now!
Phone: (404) 973-2911 Email: [email protected] Get a quote: Online Quick Quote Form